
Field data Collection

Validation of ocean colour sensors onboard ESA satellites

Radiometric measurements (surface irradiance Es(λ), a subsurface radiance sensor Lu(λ) and four subsurface irradiance sensors Ed(z) attached at nominal depths (z) of 2, 4, 8, and 16 m the radiometer used for these measurements was a tethered attenuation coefficient chain sensor (TACCS) manufactured by Satlantic Inc.)

Atmospheric measurements (aerossol optical tickness, atmospheric pressure, water vapor measure with a Microtops II® Sunphotometer)

in situ water samples for (Chlorophyll a concentration, total suspended matter (TSM), and colour dissolved organic matter)

Physico-Chemical samples:

  • Nutrients
  • Chlorophyll a
  • TSM
  • Vertical profiles (CTD)
  • Sea surface temperature (SST)
  • Salinity
  • SD
  • Nutrients
  • pH
  • Oxygen concentration

Biological Samples:

  • Phytoplankton sampling
  • Lugol iodine
  • Glutaraldehyde
  • Plankton hauls
  • Benthic cores

Laboratory Analysis:

  • Chlorophyll a concentration by spectrophotometry
  • Total suspended matter by gravimetry
  • Colour dissolved organic matter (CDOM)
  • Particle absorption (PABS)
  • Nutrients
  • Phytoplankton identification by microscopy

Remote Sensing Image Processing and data analysis for:
• Validation of ocean colour data products
• Create product maps of the ocean colour products
• Seasonal and interanual variability